Blood Bowl Chaos Team

Blood Bowl was one of those easy to get into games, it is good fun, however Games Workshop have dumped the game, along with all other non core games, what we are left with is a Living Rule book, and unlike some of the other specialist games that change alot over a short period of time, Blood Bowl is quite stable, the Teams don’t change much, and everybody plays with the same teams as everybody else, no country has it’s own teams.  Because it is being played in leagues around the work the development of teams is tested by alot of people in different ways, it makes for a community that works together.  But really it is the mini’s that are great now, there are a long list of kickstarters out there that have produced teams, and if you are lucky or have enough “spare part” you might just have some old Chaos players made by Games Workshop…



I was digging through the many boxes of stuff I have from storage, and found a number of teams, Norse, Dwarf, Chaos, Nurgle, Dark Elf, Ogre etc.  To go along with my Necromantic team I got from a kickstarter.   I am playing in the Melbourne Blood bowl League with the Necro team, but things are not going well, infact I am not really motivated to paint them either, so I though to change it up a little and I got out the Chaos team.  As it turned out I have only 4 Warriors and 1 Beastman, but I do have other beastmen floating around along with some Minators.  I also found that I have some mutants, three beastmen, one with extra arms, one with tenticles, one missing an arm….  Also single Warrior with out an arm.

I know what you are all thinking and I agree, Claws..  So I got out some Sleneesh Deamons and started the converting, I also started to convert all the beastmen I have and the Minator.



Picture of floppy


Floppy has been playing wargames poorly for over 20 years. A founding member of the Monday Knights.

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The Monday Knights are a gaming group based in Melbourne Australia.  We are happy to play just about any game at any time.

We meet every Monday night at the Auburn Bowls club in Hawthorn East, Victoria, from 6pm onwards.

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