Abyssal failed assassination attempt

Still reeling from my defeat last week at the hands of the Trident Realms commanded by Lord T, this week I got to the Monday Knights club meeting early to smash out a quick game before my opponent Floppy had to leave.

Abyssal failed assassination attempt 1

Only a short report this week, not much positive to report about the performance of the Forces of the Abyss.

Abyssal failed assassination attempt 2

A comprehensive win to the NightStalkers commanded by Floppy. Scenario was “Kill the Commander”. Despite searching the tents 7 times, the commander could not be found.

Abyssal failed assassination attempt 3

Despite having 39pts off table with his “sleeping” NightStalker commander, Floppy was able to cause some devastating Damage to my Abyssal warband. Floppy sequenced his activations well both to conserve warriors that had been knocked down and to choose combats to take out my Grunts without them being able to activate or strike back.

Abyssal failed assassination attempt 4

Despite finding multiple “Battleplans”, the Forces of the Abyss could not find the Commander, let alone kill him.

Floppy – Congrats on the good win!

Picture of General POTUS

General POTUS

Monday Knights founding member, known for occasionally losing his pants

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The Monday Knights are a gaming group based in Melbourne Australia.  We are happy to play just about any game at any time.

We meet every Monday night at the Auburn Bowls club in Hawthorn East, Victoria, from 6pm onwards.

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