June 2024 Recap

June 2024 Recap 1

Our Necromunda: Underhive and Frostgrave campaigns continued in June, along with many other games being played. The Necromunda Dominion campaign kicked into high gear with the Take Over phase. During this phase of the campaign, players are attempting to take control of other players’ territories which were gained in the Occupation phase. Surprisingly, not many … Read more

April 2024 Recap

April 2024 Recap 3

April 2024 saw a fair amount of Legions Imperialis being played at the club. This month saw the debut of a 3000 point game. Otherwise 2000 point games were the most common as everyone builds up their armies. Other staples this month included ADLG (Art De La Guerre), Conquest: Last Argument of Kings, Kill Team, … Read more

Homemade Foam Miniature Storage

Homemade Foam Miniature Storage 19

I recently dusted off my big old box of BattleTech miniatures and opened it to find an assortment of miniatures I had collected over the years, some painted, some partially assembled, but most of them still in their original blister packs. If I was going to assemble, paint, and take these miniatures out to play, … Read more