Clearing out the painting table

  • Yep – happens to us all, make a good start on a new army project, smash out enough painted miniatures to be passable on the table, then distraction and loss of momentum kick in.

The Blood-Masques and Warlock miniatures have been sitting on my painting table for far too long. I admit that a little bit of the lack of progress can be put down to apathy, but I also was a little daunted by how I would go about painting these miniature – particularly the Blood-Masques which have a surprising amount of detail (I wasn’t looking forward to the gilt edges to the armour ☹️)

It finally got to me – not only were the miniatures staring at me from my painting table – assembled, primed and unpainted, but they were actually starting to get dusty! 

So last weekend with the rest of the family out of town, I got down to business. Once again, contrast paints to the rescue, keeping in with the colour pallet used for the remainder of the army. The golden edges in the end surprisingly easy to achieve using a gold Sharpie pen.


The warband is not quite finished – I still have some lurkers & the seductress to go. Let’s see how long they have to sit on the painting table before I feel guilty enough to paint them too…

Picture of General POTUS

General POTUS

Monday Knights founding member, known for occasionally losing his pants

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The Monday Knights are a gaming group based in Melbourne Australia.  We are happy to play just about any game at any time.

We meet every Monday night at the Auburn Bowls club in Hawthorn East, Victoria, from 6pm onwards.

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