3mm Middle Eastern Town

I’ve been doing some other projects for a little while, including working on my photography. However, I have done one little 3mm project: a small Middle Eastern town to act as both a strategic objective and small piece of obstructing terrain for Hind Commander. After all, what else would you do with a USMC force?

I’ve painted up some of the Brigade Models 2mm buildings dicussed in a previous post. They are a little big, as the vehicle arranged in there show. However, as the HC gound scale is 1:10,000 using 2mm buildings lets me have a reasonable number of buildings, but keep the size smaller.

There wasn’t much to the painting: Iraqui Sand (VMC 70819) followed by a brown/black wash (50% VGC 73200 and 50% VGC 73201) with a final dry brushing of the base and a couple of other random sandy colours. I also picked out the windows with my usual “black” mix at this scale and a few other random details like some doors and awnings with a few other muted colours.

The base was quickly thrown together out of some builders 5 minute epoxy. Similar to green stuff, but it’s a little cheaper, dries in not time and is a little more robust. It’s intended for builders to do things like repair holes and chipped pieces of moldings. It’s easy to work, but the working time is only about 5 minutes. You can’t make anything complex, but for this sort of piece that’s not an issue. It is also very easy to carve, file and sand. Once the basic shape is set I smoothed out some of the bumps and carved in the roads and town square. Paint, random rocks, bushes and pigment were all liberally applied once the buildings were placed.

I’ll finish with some pictures: the first high shot is how I had been doing things previously and the last 3 on the blue background are using a better technique. Hopefully this improvement is worthwhile and I can improve the photography standards. One of the main improvements is the increased depth of field. I’ll be picking up some more lights and improving the setup over the next few months.


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