4 Ground Damaged Detached Building 1

I recently got hold of the 4 Ground Damaged Detached building 1, I really like the pre-painted pieces of terrain, I am not sure why, as I hate pre-painted miniatures, but the terrain works for me. That doesn’t mean I wont repaint it  at all.

Damaged Detached House 1
Damaged Building 1

First of all the 4 Ground Damaged Detached house kit is huge, this was not expected, it is really quite intimidating, that is not a big problem I just had to find the time to sit down and complete the whole thing.

The instructions are a pictorial type very easy to identify the pieces you need for each stage.  below are the photos of me putting together the whole kit sorry for the low quality but I was not putting this into the booth every time I want to take a photo.

4 Ground Damaged Detached Building 1 1

As you can see there is a lot of parts to this building, one of the things I like about the 4Ground buildings is that the walls are two pieces that you need to glue together, that means they get some extra strength, makes the buildings as robust as you can get.

4 Ground Damaged Detached Building 1 2
Ground Floor Ready for Glue
4 Ground Damaged Detached Building 1 3
Clamps to hold the two sections of the wall together
4 Ground Damaged Detached Building 1 4
Base floor with wall inserts almost done


4 Ground Damaged Detached Building 1 5
Internal Walls and Stairs done
4 Ground Damaged Detached Building 1 6
Broken Brick work added

I really don’t worry about the glue so much I clean it all up as it starts to set, that just means I can cut it straight out and remove it that way.

4 Ground Damaged Detached Building 1 7
Door and Windows added


4 Ground Damaged Detached Building 1 8
2ns Floor Assembly, with clamps to hole the walls together


4 Ground Damaged Detached Building 1 9
2nd Floor Internal Walls done


4 Ground Damaged Detached Building 1 10
Broken Brick work added


4 Ground Damaged Detached Building 1 11
Roof Space started.
4 Ground Damaged Detached Building 1 12
Roof Added
4 Ground Damaged Detached Building 1 13
Brick work added


4 Ground Damaged Detached Building 1 14
Nearly all done, just added some extras

With the glue marks and finger prints etc they clean off so I am not really fussed that they are there, the building did prove to be solid.


I love this 4 Ground Damaged Detached building 1, this one went together in a couple of hours, It  is pre-painted so it is ready for the table top.  Later I might add some extra stuff but for now it is good to go.

I would recommend these to everybody, they are pricey but well worth it.

More Terrain coming soon.

This house along with the destroyed house and Grave yard are for a Bolt Action Village, I am going to add some more to this some more destroyed buildings, some Hedgerow fields, stone walls and some cow’s etc. I am going to add a destroyed church from Battlefield Accessories a local company, as well as some destroyed houses and a new house that they have, I am debating weather I put in a Rail line, and some shops, rubble in a cobble stone street etc. I will have to do some craters like the village has been bombed or artillery bombardment has hit there. Some sign and telegraph poles and a orchard or similar for a french village would be nice as well.  Like all terrain projects they are a go very slow thing but I do have a time line to complete at least two tables.


Picture of floppy


Floppy has been playing wargames poorly for over 20 years. A founding member of the Monday Knights.

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