DAK 8.8cm Flak 36

The  8.8cm Flak 36, this models is by Blitzkrieg, the crew are Perry Brothers. There is great pleasure in working on great models.


DAK 8.8cm Flak 36 1
8.8cm Flak 36 with crew


The 88 in the desert was devastating, with long ranges and wide open expanses the Germans controlled parts of the battle by baiting the British 8th army and the US army with retreating Panzers, the end result was the 88 was more than a match for anything either the British or the US army had.


DAK 8.8cm Flak 36 2
8.8cm Flak36 captured but Aussie Diggers near El Aqqaqir 1942

This 88 model is very nice, it is was simple to put together, really easy to paint.  The addition of the Perry models made this a real pleasure.  I painted the 88 the same way I paint the tanks and bikes that I have done before, I use a modulation method over a base of German Grey and chipping fluid, followed by layers of filters and washes to get that dirty look add in some rust and grim as well as some pigments for dust and this is the what I am getting, it is always slightly different on each model with adds a good character to the overall look.

DAK 8.8cm Flak 36 3
Assembled 88 and Perry Crew
DAK 8.8cm Flak 36 4
88 & PaK40 after the modulation work was done
DAK 8.8cm Flak 36 5
88 after chipping and filters applied

The base was from sarissa-precision the bases are laser cut MDF with a cardboard bottom, to make a firm base, they  models insert and remove quite simply and they add alot to the overall models.

DAK 8.8cm Flak 36 6
sarissa-precision base with inserts before I add texture. (Not the base I used for the 88 I have the full 8 crew

Like all my bases, I add a layer of Milliput around any bases the figures might have,  then I add a layer of Sand and Model Railroad fine ballast to them with white glue.  This gives a good base to work from, it adds some weight as well so you can expect the models to land on the base more when you drop them.

I am really happy with the end result here, this will add to the aesthetic that I am trying to achieve with my DAK

Finished 8.8cm Flak 36

DAK 8.8cm Flak 36 7

DAK 8.8cm Flak 36 8

DAK 8.8cm Flak 36 9

DAK 8.8cm Flak 36 10

The funny thing about photographing this model is that it is too big for my macro lenses to fit it all in on. I will have to retake these.

What is on the table next.

The Pak40 needs to be done finished, it is in the background of some of these photos. I was also thinking about doing some Ultra Modern’s in 3mm for Hind Commander, for that to happen I need my bases to arrive and I also need the shapeways order to arrive.

Picture of floppy


Floppy has been playing wargames poorly for over 20 years. A founding member of the Monday Knights.

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