USMC Transport Helos

USMC Transport Helos 1

Just a quick update with another batch of USMC helos. There won’t be many more after this, I think the final piece of this force I’ll put together will be a few more AH-1Zs to round out a full strike group. However, with these 5 freshly painted helos I’ve got a fair amount of transport capacity.

First a trio of medium lift helos. The old CH-46 is still flown by the USMC, but is being replaced by the V-22 Osprey. I’ve not found a model of the Osprey I like yet, so this will remain my medium lift for the time being.


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More USMC Vehicles

More USMC Vehicles 2

This is the last batch of USMC vehicles and completes enough for an entire strike-force (rather than the half strike-forces we typically play with). The new additions are some HEMMTs and M-ATVs. The colours are the same as I’ve used previously.

First are 3 unarmed trucks (HEMMTs). Completely unprotected and pretty easy to kill, these are essentially just targets. However I quite like their look and they are big. The last picture has a AA battery to give some idea of the scale of things (the bases are 20mm wide).HEMTT-1

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USMC Infantry Painting

USMC Infantry Painting 3

Note: this is a draft I had put up and delayed posting while I took some pictures. I just happened upon it and so figured I may as well publish. It’s taken me twice to publish it correctly too; now I have pictures. Quick little update vis-a-vis the USMC force that I wrapped up a … Read more

USMC Wrap-up

USMC Wrap-up 4

I’ve finished and even played a game with the USMC forces that have been built up throughout the life of this blog. I’d neglected posting about these of late, the last minis painted for it (some OH-58Ds in olive green) I hadn’t even posted about. So I’ve just taken some pictures and thrown up a … Read more

USMC Strike Group for Hind Commander

USMC Strike Group for Hind Commander 5

Thought I would put up a quick post describing the USMC force that I’m constructing and has been the subject of most of this diary. The game is Hind Commander by Assault Publishing. Hind Commander focuses on helicopter actions, so the forces revolve around helicopters and air units. Ground vehicles and troops are present. However, … Read more

USMC UH-1Y Venom

USMC UH-1Y Venom 6

Another batch of helicopters. The other light helicopter used by the USMC is the U-1Y Venom. Based on the venerable Huey, the Venom is a utility helicopter that’s primarily used for transport. This one is pretty simple, the colours are essentially the same as the Viper. The only difference is there are no missle pods … Read more