April 2024 Recap

April 2024 saw a fair amount of Legions Imperialis being played at the club. This month saw the debut of a 3000 point game. Otherwise 2000 point games were the most common as everyone builds up their armies.

Other staples this month included ADLG (Art De La Guerre), Conquest: Last Argument of Kings, Kill Team, Classic Battletech, and Alpha Strike. Alpha Strike in particular has been steadily gaining popularity over the last few months. Even some of our diehard Classic BT players are being won over.

Less frequent games played this month included a 3-way game of Magic: The Gathering, and an introduction game of Star Wars Legion. One of our old time SW:Legion players dusted off his miniatures collection to try to entice others into the game.

Picture of crudboy


Crudboy's initiation into war gaming was with Battletech way back in high school, where he spent more time creating 'mechs with his friends, and not nearly enough time actually playing the game. Since then, Crudboy has dabbled in so many different tabletop games that he no longer remembers which rule goes with which game. His latest loves include, but aren't confined to, Frostgrave, Gloomhaven, and Gaslands.

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The Monday Knights are a gaming group based in Melbourne Australia.  We are happy to play just about any game at any time.

We meet every Monday night at the Auburn Bowls club in Hawthorn East, Victoria, from 6pm onwards.

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