Where will our illustrious hero Ramos end up. Will he be recalled for the ages as a freedom fighter who fought oppression, or as a terrorist who tried to bring down the beautiful society crafted by the guild. Read on for more disorganized Malifaux experience ramblings.
Battle, tournament, convention reports
Muskets, Tomahawks, Head Wounds, and a Few Acres of Snow
Hi everyone. My name is Tyler Jefferson, and I’ll be your guest author for the next three Sundays here on ‘What Could Possibly Go Wrong?’. Why, you ask? Because your usual author, Scott ‘Floppy’ Bartel, got his skull stoved in playing field hockey. I’m reliably informed that he managed to sustain about as serious a … Read more
Bolt Action Army Verdict
My Bolt Action Army played well in the VBAL last weekend, it however could of been better, I did sink a lot of points in to two anti-tank guns that could have been better used. The season 3 dot net changes also meant that some weapons are not as effective as they once were.

Victorian Bolt Action League
The Victorian Bolt Action League held by the Bolt Action Alliance crew, kicks off today with 1250 point comp at Games Lab in Melbourne, and I am there, with my DAK.
Post Cancon Report
My Post Cancon Report. Cancon is over for another year, was good to get back to an Aussie con, unfortunately this year, I didn’t get any time to go around and talk to anybody, or take photo’s or really do anything fun. As it turned out Blood bowl took a lot longer than I had … Read more