Clan Jade Falcon Cluster Project – Part 2

Falcon holding a sword for Jade Falcon

Clan Jade Falcon Cluster Project – Part 2 the wrap.

Here we are at the end of the project, and what a project it was. I am a little over mechs, but I know there is more coming, so I have stop being precious and suck it up.    With the whole cluster done here, I have put together a all the photos of each of the Trinary or Supernovas

As you could tell I really didn’t have much more to add to the images I was posting of all the units.  I will says this now, I am very happy with the uniformity I was starting to cut a lot of corners just to get the job done, but the mechs all came out ok.

So here we go, here are all the part to my Clan Project.


Cluster Command

Clan Jade Falcon Cluster Project – Part 2 1

Clan Jade Falcon Cluster Project – Part 2 2

Clan Jade Falcon Cluster Project – Part 2 3

Clan Jade Falcon Cluster Project – Part 2 4

Poormans Clan mechs

Clan Jade Falcon Cluster Project – Part 2 5 Clan Jade Falcon Cluster Project – Part 2 6

There we are that is 60 Clan Jade Falcon Mechs, and 25 Stands of Elementals.

I am thinking about getting another 5 to 10 2nd line mechs, just to fill out the cluster to 80 Mechs.  I might one day also invest in some Aero for these guys, I think that is a future thing.

Since completing the 2nd line mechs here I have gone back to refinish them, I didn’t like the gloss of the Matt varnish, that has been taken away now and they look much better. It is a lot of Mechs that I am will never field all at once, hell some might not even see the light of day again, but I do now have enough mechs to do a whole scenarios which will be nice.


What is on the Desk?

I am going to work on some 28mm Romans now, I might also do some 15mm medieval but that is a painful project I just can’t get inspired to finish. So 28mm romans followed by something else fun I guess, I am just not sure what that is yet.

As for more big projects I am working on getting something together for a new really big project next year, until then I will just do smaller units of stuff I have had for ever.

Picture of floppy


Floppy has been playing wargames poorly for over 20 years. A founding member of the Monday Knights.

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The Monday Knights are a gaming group based in Melbourne Australia.  We are happy to play just about any game at any time.

We meet every Monday night at the Auburn Bowls club in Hawthorn East, Victoria, from 6pm onwards.

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