Flesh Golems

I’ve finished the last two miniatures for my Necromantic team. Very happy with how these turned out. I went back to the Werewolf flesh for these guys and I thing it works great. I also think it looks great next to the USC colours I’ve had for these guys.

Flesh Golems 1

  • Flesh: Same as the Werewolves
  • Stitches: Same as the Zombies
  • Insides:
    • Base:
    • Wash I: Green Shade (VGC 73.205)
    • Dry-brush: Green Sky (VMC 70.974)
    • Wash II: Black Shade (VGC 73.201)

Flesh Golems 2Flesh Golems 3

That finishes all the positional players; that’s 8 in this team with 4 different types.

Flesh Golems 4

I finished the Zombies a while ago so that means I’m done with this team. I’ve only painted 14 miniatures for this team (8 positionals and 6 linemen), but I think that’s enough. I have the another two Zombies, but I don’t think I’ll ever use more than 6. Fourteen players feels like more than enough and with most of the team having regeneration that should not mean too many injuries. So 3 Zombies should cover most eventualities and any more will feel like I’m bloating my TV. All that is waiting for these are some numbers; I’ve ordered some small brass Roman numerals that I think will look cool for these guys so they’ll be added once they arrive.

Flesh Golems 5

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