Innersphere Mechs Part 1

With Battletech being still in favor, I had a look at how many Mechs I had. It turns out I have a lot of Mechs, more Clan then Innersphere I thought. That may not be the case, so here in my Innersphere Part 1 I am going to go through the first half of all the extra IS mechs I have started to paint. These Mechs are all Iron Wind Metals.

Some of these mechs I found in different places, and they were “stored” in my bits boxes.  I recently when through them to do a little inventory of what I have, and I found all these mechs. So got them cleaned up and ready for paint

Paint Scheme

It is the same Blue Torso and Black extremity’s I have painted in on the Unseen Mechs . I figure that I need at least 20 Mechs in each scheme to give me good coverage of all mechs. I used the robotech decals again as I thought why the hell not.

So here we are, the list of mechs in the first batch.


Out of these mechs the Devastator, Thron, blackjack, Maelstrom and Toyama are all 3050+ in the old talk Clan Invasion mechs in the current edition.

I changed how I did the black arms and legs on this batch, I am much happier with the result. I also changed how much contrast I did on the blues. again I am really happy with both these aspects.

The Glass and Lenses were a trial, I struggled to find a good contrasting colour for the canopies, I tried greens but too dark, Blue just looked strange. Orange was the colour but I did struggle to get it right. I am not sure I am that happy with that aspect yet.

There are some mechs missing bases, well… I sort of ran out.  It is going to take a while to get some in, so I am just going to wait until they arrive.

Innersphere Mechs Part 1 1 Innersphere Mechs Part 1 2 Innersphere Mechs Part 1 3 Innersphere Mechs Part 1 4 Innersphere Mechs Part 1 5 Innersphere Mechs Part 1 6 Innersphere Mechs Part 1 7


Picture of floppy


Floppy has been playing wargames poorly for over 20 years. A founding member of the Monday Knights.

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