A little time with the airbrush has put the base colours on the Ke-Ho. It all started with a dirty green base coat (Green Brown VMC 70879). The Model Colours don’t work straight through an airbrush so you have to thin them. I’ve found another Vallejo product – their Airbush Thinner (VMC 71361) to be sensational for exactly this purpose. I put the base coat fairly light to ensure the pre-shading on the base showed through. After that I added some further high and low-lights by mixing black and white with the base coat. A couple of pictures show where this step got me.

I’ve also done the camouflage, another couple of model colours stepped up here: Flat Brown VMC 70984 and Reflective Green 70890. Nothing complex or too difficult here – gentle hands and patience are the keys, and making sure you empty the water trap on your compressor. Can you tell that’s experience?
I’ve still not put down the yellow stripes and I’m torn to be honest. I like how it looks, but I would like to try the yellow. But what if I hate it? That’s a first world problem right there, but this does mean it’s sitting on the bench judging the halt in progress. Little does it realise another commission of little 15mm men has arrived to provide ever more distraction.