Yes I know more ogre’s. The Ogre Bloodbowl Team that I assembled here and following on from the fantastic job that Shadow did here I too have now painted my team.
The colour scheme was Blue and Orange. I had intended to do this team with only contrast paints. However the more I used them on test pieces the less I like them. I will be going back and doing a whole set of models with them soon, just to update my thoughts on that range, I had some issues, firstly the plastic when I used the GW undercoat delaminated a little. This is where you get little bumps or lines on the surface once it’s painted. I got over that and got into the painting.
These were all painted with the Scale75 paint range.

The first Ogre (Ogre #1) I did I was not really happy with the skin tones, so the next five I did I added an extra lighter tone. I am still not that happy but I will get over it.
Skin Colours
- Indian Shadow SC23
- Arabic Shadow SC22
- Pink Flesh SC21
- Basic Flesh SC20
- Sol Yellow SC40
- Mars Orange SC39
- Aldebaran Red SC38
- Deep Blue SC55
- Caribbean Blue SC49
- Black Leather SC32
- Brown Leather SC31
- Orange Leather SC28
- Rainy Grey SC60
- Thar Brown SC61
- Mojave White SC62
- Thrash Metal SC64
- Peridot Alchemy SC78
I am pretty happy with the result, the Ogres look good on the table if we every get out of Isolation to get it on to the table.
I agree with Shadows assessment these guys do make the team. Now are they a weapon (see Ogre #2) or a tool? Regardless of the answer these were a blast to paint. The fact I did these first it was good fun.

The oranges and blues were as above. The Skin however was different.
- Slimmer Green SFG23
- Goblin Flesh SFG24
- Toxic Waste SFG25
- Orcish Dermis SFG19
These are from Scale75’s Fantasty Range, and out of the Orc and Goblin Paint set. I am happy with the team, it should serve me well.
but now on to a new paint project. I am thinking some Saga, Order of St John.