Templar Knights

Templar Knights 1

It’s time for the big show. French failed aristocracy pumped up on faith and the desire to kill heathens (or poor people). Templar Knights By now there’s not much more I can say, there aren’t any original colours on here. The miniatures are again Legio Heroica, but they’re not the Templars from that range. Instead … Read more

Templar Infantry

Templar Infantry 6

Finally some Temmplars. I think I’ve done quite well. More than 5 posts into a Templar project and not a single white tunic or red cross on anything. But that’s all going to change over the next few posts as I finish off this project with wall to wall, hard core Templars. A sea of … Read more

Crusader Turcopoles

Crusader Turcopoles 12

Another feature of Crusader armies were the Turcopoles. The Crusaders had learnt the effectiveness of the mounted bow from the Saracens and so had started to include them in their own armies. Sourced from the Eastern Christian kingdoms, and I’m sure other relevantly skilled groups, they were still Christian by equipped and dressed more like … Read more

Crusader mounted knights

Crusader mounted knights 16

I’ve finally added some Knights to the Crusader army. With over 130 troops painted it’s good to finally have something that we all associate strongly with the era. I’m not sure there’s anything more iconic to the Feudal/Medieval period than the Knight holding a lance atop a charging horse. Again, these miniatures are Legio Heroica. … Read more