April 2024 Recap

April 2024 Recap 2

April 2024 saw a fair amount of Legions Imperialis being played at the club. This month saw the debut of a 3000 point game. Otherwise 2000 point games were the most common as everyone builds up their armies. Other staples this month included ADLG (Art De La Guerre), Conquest: Last Argument of Kings, Kill Team, … Read more

15mm Medieval Mounted Troops Part 2

15mm Medieval Mounted Troops Part 2 3

Finally after all these years I have put paint to the 15mm Medieval Mounted troops.  This time I have two light horse with bows, two Cavalry with fire arms, 4 heavy Knights and 4 not so heavy knights. Light Horse with Bow’s The Light horse with bow are a very new purchase, I need some … Read more

Templar Knights

Templar Knights 5

It’s time for the big show. French failed aristocracy pumped up on faith and the desire to kill heathens (or poor people). Templar Knights By now there’s not much more I can say, there aren’t any original colours on here. The miniatures are again Legio Heroica, but they’re not the Templars from that range. Instead … Read more

Templar Infantry

Templar Infantry 15

Finally some Temmplars. I think I’ve done quite well. More than 5 posts into a Templar project and not a single white tunic or red cross on anything. But that’s all going to change over the next few posts as I finish off this project with wall to wall, hard core Templars. A sea of … Read more