We’re BACK! Monday Knights first Club meet after Coronavirus Lockdown

We’re BACK! Monday Knights first Club meet after Coronavirus Lockdown 24

First night back at Monday Knights after over 100 days of Coronavirus lockdown. I got to roll some dice playing for the first time in a lot of months. Congrats to Big Nige for his win & the great Team Yankee. (Damn those Soviet Hinds!) The game was a quick 85pts Soviet vs USA Team … Read more

Painting Random Terrain Stuff

Painting Random Terrain Stuff 25

I had just finished writing up a couple MK blog posts about painting PSC StuGs and my last couple Vanguard Forces of the Abyss war-band figures when I had this email exchange with Flop. I had great visions of powering through another couple of painting projects to either add units to existing armies or just … Read more

15mm Medieval Mounted Troops Part 2

15mm Medieval Mounted Troops Part 2 26

Finally after all these years I have put paint to the 15mm Medieval Mounted troops.  This time I have two light horse with bows, two Cavalry with fire arms, 4 heavy Knights and 4 not so heavy knights. Light Horse with Bow’s The Light horse with bow are a very new purchase, I need some … Read more