Vanguard First Contact


The First contact I had with Kings of War: Vanguard was interesting to say the least. The books and miniatures arrived, and we jumped right in.  When we started playing games it was with small 100 point forces to get used to the mechanics. I learnt the hard way, didn’t use the rules correctly, had to learn … Read more


Kudra 6

After quite some time away from my Malifaux miniatures I got very keen over a couple of days and started on a new crew. I’ve had Sandeep’s crew sitting round assembled for a little while and I really wanted to get started. I saw the box art for Kudra and wanted to have a shot … Read more

Walkers I

Walkers I 9

My first batch of 10 walkers. I’m sure I will need more, and in fact I have another 8 I will paint up before too long. I’ve made these much darker and simpler than the heroes. Simpler because there are so many, they’re not the heroes and they’re dirty and grimy any way. I didn’t … Read more

Rick, Carl & The Governor

Rick, Carl & The Governor 12

These three don’t really belong together (OK, the first two do…). However, I put them together when doing pictures so they’re staying together. First the Governor (Brian Blake), he’s the origial scary bad guy from the comics. I wanted a prepper vibe for him, so it was a couple of muted colours with a bright … Read more


Scavengers 17

A couple of weeks back I had my first games of Mantic Games’ The Walking Dead: All Out War. I must say I quite enjoyed it. The game is set in the universe of The Walking Dead Comics (on which the TV show was based), so it’s not quite what you might recognise from TV. … Read more