Making Frostgrave Arcane Circles

Making Frostgrave Arcane Circles 1

Once again, Frostgrave‘s Ulterior Motives gaves me another opportunity to make some interesting terrain. This time its Arcane Circles. In this post, I’ll show three different types I made. The first is the simplest. Its just two circular pieces of XPS foam glued together. A table hot wire cutter makes it super easy to produce … Read more

Making 28mm Trees

Making 28mm Trees 15

I recently began playing Rangers of Shadow Deep, a game by Joseph A. McCullough of Frostgrave fame. As with Frostgrave, Rangers of Shadow Deep is full of scenarios that provide plenty of opportunities to make interesting terrain pieces. The second scenario in the core rulebook is set in a forest with some “nest trees”. So … Read more

Making Gloomhaven Treasure Chests

Making Gloomhaven Treasure Chests 23

Actually, the title is a lie. This isn’t a post about making treasure chests … more like buying treasure chests. Because, why fumble about with craft when you can buy great, affordable, minis from the Wizkids Deep Cuts range. In fact, between the Deep Cuts and Nolzur’s Marvellous Miniatures ranges, you can also replace most … Read more

Making Battletech Trees

Making Battletech Trees 26

I’ve always had a thing for Battletech, but I’ve never had a thing for flat, paper maps. So I thought I’d try to make those paper maps more interesting by adding some scenic trees. Whenever I have looked into buying 1/300 scenic trees I was never able to find anything I liked. I did eventually … Read more