Painting Factory Seconds Gaslands Gates

Painting Factory Seconds Gaslands Gates 1

Unfortunately there is still no opportunity to do any physical wargaming with Melbourne still in Coronavirus lockdown. I have played a couple of games of Battletech using Tabletop Simulator. While satisfying and a good chance to catch up with my gaming mates, I do miss rolling dice & moving miniatures. In between games & waiting … Read more

Mail Call – Gaslands Factory Seconds

Mail Call - Gaslands Factory Seconds 6

Very happy with today’s mail call After painting up the Gas Lands wrecks I thought I would grab some proper Gas Lands gates & dice. Found some “factory seconds” on Etsy and thought I would give them a go … aslands-ho … -skid-dice While I was on the web site & already paying … Read more

Abyss Warband finished – for now…

Abyss Warband finished - for now... 10

Short post for tonight. Gamers all know this feeling – the feeling of satisfaction of painting that last miniature to complete a project. This week end – painted my last three figures to complete my Vanguard – Forces of the Abyss warband. Well – the last “unpainted” miniatures have been painted at any rate Back … Read more

Clearing off the painting table…

Clearing off the painting table... 16

*Originally posted in the Monday Knights Forum, 18 Jan 2020* Yep – happens to us all, make a good start on a new army project, smash out enough painted miniatures to be passable on the table, then distraction and loss of momentum kick in. The Blood-Masques and Warlock miniatures have been sitting on my painting … Read more

Making a Mausoleum

Making a Mausoleum 21

Frostgrave‘s first scenario is called The Mausoleum, and it requires, you guessed it, a Mausoleum as the central terrain piece. As I am totally into Frostgrave and Kings of War: Vanguard at the moment, and the fact that cemeteries make great backgrounds with fantasy skirmish games, I needed no other motivation to get stuck into … Read more