Templar Knights

Templar Knights 1

It’s time for the big show. French failed aristocracy pumped up on faith and the desire to kill heathens (or poor people). Templar Knights By now there’s not much more I can say, there aren’t any original colours on here. The miniatures are again Legio Heroica, but they’re not the Templars from that range. Instead … Read more

Battletech: 2nd Line Clan Mechs

Poormans Clan mechs

Late last week we had some of the Covid-19 restrictions eased, Earlier in the week somebody suggested that the maximum number of people possible gather for a game of Battletech.  Having not thrown a dice in anger in some 50+ days we jumped at it. On the Friday I was working out what mechs to … Read more

L’Art de la Guerre: The Monday Knights Get Biblical

L'Art de la Guerre: The Monday Knights Get Biblical 8

L’Art de la Guerre (ADLG) is an enjoyable and easily learned ancients and medieval wargame. The Monday Knights wargames club will be hosting a five round, two-day tournament. The event theme is “The Monday Knights Get Biblical“ 200-point armies should be chosen from the “Ancient” and “Classical” sections of the army lists. Allies that are from sections outside these are not permitted.

Into the Abyss

Vanguard Abyssal

…the journey begins…. It has been far too long since I have had the pleasure of fantasy table top wargaming. Mantic Games were very generous in providing a number of stater & booster sets to the Monday Nights War Game club to get us started & I was crazy enough to put my hand up … Read more