Saga Heroes

Saga Heroes 18

It’s been a long while since I last posted; Christmas, a surprise house move and a couple of other life events have meant I haven’t posted for quite a while. However, I have been fairly productive, so I’ll be putting up a few posts in fairly quick succession as I clear some of the backlog … Read more


SAGA, a game set in the dark ages. Vikings raiding the world etc.  what is there not to love.   I have two very unfinished war bands for Saga, the Jomsvikings and Scot’s.  I have only had them since the game came out, a very long time ago, of course what is embarrassing is that I have never played a game either.  Well with the latest addition to the rules out, Crescent and Cross, moving the battle’s to the middle east, I finally find something to bring me back to painting knights.


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Adepticon 2015 part 1

Adepticon 2015 part 1, I finally have time to sit down and write about my experiences. I finally got to be a con attendee and just spend time walking around talking to people who allow us to experience events like this.



I did a lot over the four days of the con so this is going to be broken up in to two or three articles, there was way too much to do for me to fit it all in one article.

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