Painting Random Terrain Stuff

Painting Random Terrain Stuff 1

I had just finished writing up a couple MK blog posts about painting PSC StuGs and my last couple Vanguard Forces of the Abyss war-band figures when I had this email exchange with Flop. I had great visions of powering through another couple of painting projects to either add units to existing armies or just … Read more

Six Incursion APEs

Six Incursion APEs 2

APE stands for Armoured Personal Exoskeleton; which is the name for the USA’s battle armour in Incursion. Incursion is a Wierd World War 2 game, set it an imaginary universe where WW2 didn’t end and instead things got wierd. There are a number of such settings, both in pop culture and miniature gaming. For example … Read more

Proxy Imp Swarm – Part 2

Proxy Imp Swarm - Part 2 11

It is tough putting together Imp swarms for Vanguard for the Forces of the Abyss warband. Unfortunately the Mantic games Forces of the Abyss sprues only have one Imp figure per sprue and each swarm base needs four or five figures per base. My first attempt at proxy miniatures was using resin grots from (now … Read more

Making a Mausoleum

Making a Mausoleum 26

Frostgrave‘s first scenario is called The Mausoleum, and it requires, you guessed it, a Mausoleum as the central terrain piece. As I am totally into Frostgrave and Kings of War: Vanguard at the moment, and the fact that cemeteries make great backgrounds with fantasy skirmish games, I needed no other motivation to get stuck into … Read more